If you want to calculate the result of raising a number by a set percentage, this is how you can do it! You can use the percentage addition calculator below to work out your figures if you are looking for a quick answer, below the calculator you will also find the workings behind the result and the percentage add formula.
Percentage Raise Calculator
How to work out a percentage raise
Here is the method for working out what the result is from raising an amount by a set percentage. A is the initial value and B is the number of percent you want to increase A by:
- Work out what 1% of the original amount (A) is - we'll call this value C, to do this just divide it by 100: C (1%) = A / 100
- Multiplying this by the number of percent you want to increase it by (B): C × B = Amount to raise
- This gives you the value of the rise.
- Add the increase to the original amount to show the new value.
With the figures above you would do the following:
575 ÷ 100 = 5.75 (1% of the initial amount) So: 5.75 × 16 = 92 Then: 575 + 92 = 667. In other words, raising 575 by 16% is 667.