This is the shortest article in the series covering fractions as percentages. If you have a whole and split it into two parts you have two halves. If you have 100% and you split it into two then…
Fractions to Percentages
Here are some of the most common questions about fraction to percentage conversions. Please do take some time to read the initial introduction rather than skip straight to the answer, this will help you to understand how this process works. The starting point is always to look at the bottom number in the fraction as this represents how many of the top number you need to make a whole.
From here all you need to remember is that in percentage terms a whole is 100%. If you have a pie and you eat it all you have eaten 100% of the pie. You cannot eat any more than 100% of the pie – it is all gone! Unless you have more than one pie – but that’s a guide for another time…
Thirds converted to percentages
Thirds are interesting, converting them to percentages allows us to look at two other mathematical concepts and practices – recurring figures and rounding.
Quarters converted to percentages
When you want to show a fraction as a percentage the most important thing to remember is that 100% is a whole amount, and in decimal terms it can be shown as the number 1. When you divide one into quarters you split the whole amount (1) into four parts. So when you show 100%
Fifths converted to percentages
Even though we are gradually increasing the number of slices in our pie this conversion of the fifth fractions to their percentage values is still straightforward. If you have memorised the five times table it makes this task much easier.
Sixths converted to percentages
When you want to show a fraction as a percentage the most important thing to remember is that 100% is a whole amount, and in decimal terms it can be shown as the number 1. When you divide one into sixths you split the whole amount (1) into six parts. So when you show 100%